Supplier Portal

Integrate with APIs

Supplier Portal
Updated on
July 8, 2024
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Dropshipzone provides open-source APIs that can be used to effectively sync your Dropshipzone data across platforms. In this chapter we will introduce you to these APIs and how to use them in your store.

What integration solutions does Dropshipzone provide?

Dropshipzone offers three solutions for updating your product data: using our CSV templates, through Shopify, or via API integration. 

CSV templates provide a simple way to upload product information in bulk. Suppliers using Shopify can benefit from the use of native and third-party applications or plugins. If you have prior knowledge regarding API, it can be an effective tool. 

While we provide open-source API, we don’t have a plugin available at this stage. In order to use our APIs effectively, we encourage Suppliers to have prior knowledge of IT or a dedicated IT team. 

If you have any questions regarding API integration, please contact your in-house IT team, or you can contact who can help assist. 

How do I integrate with Dropshipzone APIs?

  1. To access our Integration Guides, scroll to the bottom of the Dropshipzone website and search under ‘For Suppliers’.
  2. Click on the heading Integration Guides to view our Supplier Platform API Documentation
  3. We provide “Auth”, “Category”, “Order”, “Product” and “Shipping” fields for you to connect. You may select the ones you would like to map. You do not need to connect all of the fields.
  4. Using your Dropshipzone email and password, request the /auth endpoint to receive an access token. This token will be valid for approximately 8 hours. If the access token has expired, simply request a new one.
  1. Construct the token into a JSON Web Token (jwt) string and include it in the header of any following API requests.
  2. The access token will expire after a few hours. You will need to add code logic to reauthenticate in the case of a 401 unauthorised error message.

While most data is processed in real-time, Retailer orders are delayed by a couple of minutes due to scheduled job sync intervals.

Frequently asked questions

What are APIs?
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API stands for Application Programming Interface. These are software intermediaries that allow two applications to talk to each other. APIs are used to extract and share data within and across organisations and applications. You can use our APIs to sync your data across platforms automatically. 

Do I need an IT team to use APIs?
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If you are uncertain about how to use our APIs, you can engage third-party IT companies to build system features and maintain API integrations. We do not recommend Suppliers use APIs without prior knowledge of API integration.

Can APIs replace the Supplier Portal on Dropshipzone?
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While we provide powerful endpoints that can assist with daily work automation, the Supplier Portal has several unique functions that are not available through API. 

We encourage Suppliers to use APIs to handle order processing while using the Supplier Portal for operations such as importing product data, promotion events, and price reviews. For example, you can only use Supplier Portal to download invoices and upload reports to Price Review in CSV format.

How does Dropshipzone secure my data when using APIs?
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APIs must be secured through proper authentication to minimise security risks and prevent spamming. Dropshipzone API uses authentication tokens to check users are who they claim to be and are authorised to access the API call. You can obtain the access token by calling the /auth endpoint with your Dropshipzone email and password. Please note that the access token will expire after a few hours.

How often will the data be updated?
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API offers the same source data as the Dropshipzone Supplier Portal. Most of the data is sent in real-time, while Retailer orders will have a short delay due to scheduled job sync intervals.

Learn more

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