Supplier Portal

Managing your account

Supplier Portal
Updated on
July 8, 2024
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In this chapter, we will walk you through how to update your Dropshipzone account details and how to change your password.

How to update account information and contact details

  1. To update your account information, go to Profile Options in the sidebar and click ‘My Account’.
  2. Enter your updated account information.

Please provide 14 days' notice for any changes to bank account details to be approved.

Please note, you cannot change the ABN linked to your Dropshipzone account. If you would like to change the ABN, you will need to set up a new Dropshipzone account.

Find and input your Dropshipzone account information from the My Account page.

Changing your password

  1. To change your password, go to Change Password under My Account and create a new password in the New Password field. 
  2. Confirm your new password before proceeding, as the changes will take effect immediately.
  3. Click ‘Change Password’.

You can easily change your Dropshipzone account password from the My Account page.

Note: Passwords must:

  • contain at least 8 characters.
  • contain at least one number.
  • contain both lowercase and uppercase letters.
  • contain at least one special character (!, @, #, $, etc.)

From your account, you can also find a copy of the Dropshipzone User Manual and our Eligible Products List. You can download these guides by clicking on the download links at the bottom of the account page. 

Terms and conditions of your Dropshipzone account

In order to join Dropshipzone, you must agree to and abide by our Marketplace Policies and Agreements. These cover a variety of legal obligations you must meet as a Dropshipzone Supplier. These include (but are not limited to) policies surrounding product safety, ethical sourcing, warranties and returns, and our Supplier Service Level Agreement.

You can access our Marketplace Policies page by scrolling to the bottom of the Dropshipzone main website and clicking on the ‘Marketplace Policies’ button under the Legal tab. 

Frequently asked questions

What if I forget my password?
Dropshipzone cheveron down

If you have forgotten your login details, contact your Account Manager or We will provide you with a temporary password which you can change via My Account after logging in.

Can I cancel my account at any time?
Dropshipzone cheveron down

Yes. To cancel your account, please contact your Account Manager. You will need to process any current orders, and then we will disable any remaining products in your store. Once all of your products have been disabled and your orders are fully processed, we will deactivate your account. You can reactivate your Dropshipzone account by contacting your Account Manager or the Dropshipzone team via email.

Note: Suppliers are still responsible for products within the provided warranty period, even if the account has been cancelled.

Where can I view Dropshipzone’s policies?
Dropshipzone cheveron down

You can find a full list of our marketplace policies on our Marketplace Policies and Agreements page.

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