Managing inventory

Updated on
July 25, 2024
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Effective inventory management is crucial for streamlining processes, minimising costs, and delivering a seamless customer experience. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to efficiently manage your products and maintain well-organised and up-to-date inventory. We will also walk you through a step-by-step process of enabling the automatic inventory update function for your inventory levels to sync automatically. It eliminates the need to manually update the inventory levels and prevents inventory-related issues such as overselling or running out of stock. 

How do I check product and inventory updates?

Dropshipzone provides regular updates on products and inventory to reflect changes to product specifications, titles, descriptions, and adjustments in inventory levels. Here’s how you can check product and inventory updates:

Check product updates

Stay informed on SKU changes and notifications to keep your listings accurate and up-to-date. We strongly encourage you to check the notification page once a week at a minimum to never miss important updates or the latest changes and alerts related to your SKUs. To access these notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Product Content Updates tab within the Notifications section. Here, you can check all the SKU changes and notifications.
  1. To see updates for the SKUs added to My SKU List, click on the Show SKUs On My SKU List button. You can export these changes with the Export Notices button.
  2. You can also check discontinued products within the Product Content Updates tab. To find the discontinued products, click on the Discontinued SKU List tab on the top-right of the page. Then, you’ll be directed to a page where you’ll find a list of all the discontinued products.

          4. Click on the Export Discontinued List tab to download the complete list.

Update product details

Keeping product details updated is crucial in providing your customers with accurate and relevant information. Additionally, up-to-date details enhance customer engagement and build trust. 

  1. Navigate to the Notifications tab within the Dropshipzone section. 
  2. Click on the Product Content Updates button at the top of the page to see updates for the SKUs on your list.
  3. Download these updates with the Export Notices button.
  4. After you’ve downloaded the CSV file, you can manually update your listings on Shopify, or use the Dropshipzone app for Shopify to streamline the process.

Shopify allows you to edit your product listings one at a time or in bulk. Find out how to edit your product listings on Shopify.

Our Dropshipzone Shopify app simplifies the process of managing products if your website is built on Shopify. You can update product information with just a click, and the changes will be applied to your storefront. Find out how to update product information with our Dropshipzone Shopify app.

  1. Navigate to My Store on the dashboard within the Shopify section and click the Product Content Updates tab. Here, you'll find a list of SKUs that Suppliers have recently modified, requiring your attention. The Revision column indicates the type of changes made.
  2. To update product information, select the relevant SKUs that need modification. Click the Update button in the top right corner of the page. The changes will be applied to your storefront.

You can use the date range option to check for product info updates over specific periods of time. You can also use the search bar located at the top of the page to locate specific product updates using keywords. Ensure you update all pending updates to avoid any discrepancies between products and your listings. 

If you would like to incorporate your own product titles, descriptions and images, you can make these updates directly in your Shopify account. Read more about how to update your product details in Shopify here.

Manage inventory 

There are several ways to check for inventory updates, including: 

Download All SKU list

Follow these steps to download the All SKU list. 

  • To download the All SKU list, navigate to the SKU tab within Downloads and click SKU Download Request option.
  • Download the general product SKU list by clicking on the Download button.

Look up the product listing

On the product listing, you can check stock availability indicated by the quantity, reflecting the number of products available for sale.

Dropshipzone API 

Dropshipzone API can sync inventory levels to your online store. You can get the stock level information of a product. However, it can retrieve stock level records for the past 10 days only.


You can check and manage your stock levels on the Inventory page in your Shopify admin. For notifications about low stock, consider installing an inventory alert app from the Shopify App Store.

How do I enable the automatic inventory update function for my Shopify store? 

Dropshipzone’s Shopify app simplifies the process of managing inventory. Its automatic inventory update ensures that your inventory remains up-to-date, guaranteeing you never miss a sales opportunity or face inventory-related challenges such as overselling or running out of stock. Find out how to keep your inventory up-to-date with Dropshipzone’s Shopify app. 

You need to ensure that your Shopify account is bound with Dropshipzone for the Automatic Inventory Update function to work. You will also need to make sure your products are imported to your Shopify store through Dropshipzone’s Shopify app. Your inventory levels will automatically sync and update if the products are bound.

  1. Navigate to Settings with the Shopify section and click Other Rules. Here, you can set Inventory Rules for your Shopify store.
  2. Move to the Inventory Method Rules tab. Use the drop-down menu to choose a number between 0 and 50. This chosen value indicates that when the Dropshipzone stock units match or dip below this number, the associated SKU will be marked as Out of Stock in your Shopify store.
  3. Confirm your selections by clicking the Save button. You’ll receive a pop-up message to confirm that the inventory settings have been successfully updated.

Shopify allows you to manually update inventory levels. Find out how to edit your inventory levels on Shopify.

Frequently asked questions

Why are my stock levels not updating?
Dropshipzone cheveron down

The Dropshipzone app will automatically and regularly update your inventory to ensure your stock levels are up-to-date. However, the Automatic Inventory Update function will not work if your Shopify account is not bound with the Dropshipzone app. Ensure that you bind your Shopify store with the Dropshipzone app and verify that your products are properly bound to maintain accurate inventory and prevent discrepancies.

How can I change the default product information?
Dropshipzone cheveron down

Individual Suppliers to Dropshipzone provide their own product titles, product descriptions and product images. If you want to incorporate or add your own product information, you can easily update it directly through your Shopify account. Please make sure it accurately reflects the product itself.

How to check stock level information in Shopify?
Dropshipzone cheveron down

Here are some quick instructions:

  1. To check stock levels in Shopify, log in to your Shopify account and click on Products. Under the Products tab, you see a list of your available products. Scan through the list or use the search bar to locate the specific product for which you want to check stock updates.
  2. Click on the SKU/product name that you want to review. This takes you to the product page.
  3. Scroll down to the Inventory section and click to expand the inventory-related settings.
  4. In the Inventory section, click Adjustment History. Here, you can access and review stock changes for a particular SKU. You see a chronological list of stock adjustments, including increases and decreases. Each entry typically includes details such as the date, type of adjustment, quantity, and notes.
What can I do to keep my inventory levels accurate and up-to-date?
Dropshipzone cheveron down

Dropshipzone strongly recommends you to update your inventory at least twice daily, as the inventory levels may change from time to time and some products may become unavailable when you place an order on Dropshipzone.

You can enhance your inventory control effortlessly by installing the Dropshipzone app from the Shopify App Store. Set up Inventory Method Rules within the app for seamless and hassle-free inventory management.

How often can I expect inventory levels to update?
Dropshipzone cheveron down

We maintain regular inventory updates across all properties. 

  • The Dropshipzone Shopify app updates your inventory when the inventory levels change on your Dropshipzone account
  • Dropshipzone API updates hourly
  • SKU list updates hourly on Dropshipzone

Additionally, Dropshipzone sends inventory level update emails twice daily for products if they’re on the My SKU list. If you’d like to receive daily inventory updates, please make sure to click the Receive Daily Inventory Update checkbox.

How do I sync my existing products from Dropshipzone for automatic inventory updates?
Dropshipzone cheveron down

If you have SKUs from Dropshipzone that you imported before binding your Shopify store, the Dropshipzone app will read these SKUs during the initial binding and sync for future updates. To sync your existing Shopify store products with Dropshipzone: 

  1. Locate your SKUs under ‘My Products’ in the ‘My Store’ tab within the Shopify section of the navigation bar. 
  2. Bind the SKUs you wish to sync with the Dropshipzone app.

If you have SKUs that are imported after binding your Shopify store to the Dropshipzone app, follow these steps:

  1. If the SKUs were not added through the Dropshipzone app, remove them from your Shopify store.
  2. Import the SKUs through the Dropshipzone app to enable seamless product info and price sync.
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